
Maverick says pbbbbbbtt.
11:28 a.m.

I am terrible at throwing parties. Well, not really. But usually, I know a lot more people. The party is packed, if you will. Here? The state we just moved to and the new city where inviting all of our friends = a handful of neighbors and co-workers showing up? I do not need to prepare so much food. It's just not necessary. But, I shopped and chopped and plated up and went nuts like I was preparing for a crowd of 50, and 15 people showed up. I think I thought that maybe if we put our friends in a room together they would multiply. Or be starving. Or, ideally, both. Anyway, so now I have a huge party related debt (oh the dollars I spent on cheese alone), a fridge full of beer, and millions of snacks that I can't (well, shouldn't but have been oh god I have to weigh in tomorrow) eat. Yay! Note to self, make more friends.

On that note, I am currently obsessed with Friendster. After the trauma of this weekend (which I'm still asking myself why about, but I'm less worried because, bascially, eh) I didn't cease the frantic friendster searching. And I found some people that I adore whom I have missed and now I'm back in touch with them, and that makes me very, very happy. Hooray! I go through phases like this. I will forget about Friendster in a week and then be acting like it's the best thing in the world that I've just discovered in about 5 months.

Okay, cat photo. Maverick says pbbbbbbtt.

Mav Man was an expensive kitty this week. We thought he might be diabetic (because he drinks about 5 times as much water as the others and he's massive) but he's not. We had all the tests and now we have a fun credit card bill en route and Mav has a wee shaved spot on his neck. Aw. Hooray healthy kitty!

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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