
They all wear pantaloons and we threw in a chimp for good measure. Because why not?
3:13 p.m.

Ah, okay. So I feel really stupid because I just did something really dumb. (Articulate!)

In a low-detail nutshell, I dredged someone from the past up on Friendster and emailed them. It's not an ex-boyfriend or anything (though that would be less-traumatic, because I never really had any boyfriends that broke my heart or anything on any less than superficial something to gossip about level), it's an ex-friend. And since I am a leper (or something), I have two ex-friends who completely broke my heart. And this is one of them. And so I stupidly searched for her on Friendster (while trying to find someone I made friends with last night) and then I, even more stupidly, emailed her. WHY WHY WHY.

Anyway. So I'm kicking myself for doing that. It's not that I don't want to talk to her, I would love to talk to her. But it's been years and I still don't know what caused her to stop talking to me (and all her friends that I knew as well) and I don't know that I even want to know or to reopen that chamber of secrets or whatever. I closed that file and stopped blaming myself ages ago and now I randomly opened it again.

Okay, whatever. If she writes back, fine. If she doesn't, fine. Etc. Sure.

In other, more entertaining and less angst ridden news, last night we randomly went to Phoenix for dinner. Phoenix, my friends, is a 4 hour round trip. But a friend of my husband's from college was passing through on his move to California, so we went to see him on his world tour. On the way home, we were slightly speeding. A motorcycle cop pulled us over. We got a ticket. As we were driving away, my husband was like, "Where's Ponce?"

"Um. Do you mean Paunch? Or are you talking about the Fountain of Youth?"

And from there we sketched out a Chips reunion movie script where Ponce de Leon comes in and they are all granted eternal life. They all wear pantaloons and we threw in a chimp for good measure. Because why not?

Ah, okay then. We're having a party tonight and I haven't even started cleaning or chopping or whatnoting yet.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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