
Celebrity Detox Camp
4:29 p.m.

Two entries for the price of one!

Am I trying to make up for my silence while on vacation by doing two entries in one day? No, I'm just not doing any of the work I swore I was excited about this morning. The system that I needed to complete most of the work is down, so, well, entry.

Mostly I need to discuss this reality TV show. Celebrity Enema! Why did I not know this was on while I was in the UK? How desperately do I want to have watched this? Just because it's so wrong? I don't even know who these people are, but I wish to have witnessed the horror.

Okay then.

I just realized that this wasn't really a discussion so much as it was a really random and not followed up on comment. Whoops?

I am totally implementing the fart tax while roadtripping tomorrow with my husband and his brother. 8 hours round trip = cash. Horror? Yes. But: Cash.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

template by wicked design

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