
Farewell, Professor Brudnoy
9:03 p.m.

I am so bummed. I feel like as a tribute I should put it more eloquently, but I can't right now, so there you go. David Brudnoy is at Mass General and he's saying his farewells.

For those who have never lived in Boston and/ or weren't talk radio listeners and/ or didn't go to Boston University and have the pleasure of having him as a professor, I don't know how likely it is that you'll know who he is. Perhaps his fame is more widespread than I realize, since I know that I lived in the bubble that included him and it's hard to see from inside there how far that bubble spreads.

He was a radio talk show host and, most importantly (to me), he was the best professor I ever had. He had this way of making us, his coddled milk-fed college students who never really had to think much in order to pull decent grade, think like we'd never thought before. He was also a complete gentleman and I'm so sad to hear that he's leaving us.

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