
Apparently I'm ranting today.
2:57 p.m.

Ah, good morning. I've been taking nice long big breaks from posting entries because I have almost nothing to say that doesn't out my secret or put me on some government watch list: OR BOTH. What?

Anyway, I'm going to out my secret, entirely because I suck at keeping it: I'm pregnant. I'll be two months along in a bunch of days. I know that's too early to out yourself, but, well, I suck at that. Here's to hoping it goes better this time. I just need to get past the point that I lost it last time, which was about a week from now (both in pregnancy time and in time of year: in a creepy Twilight Zone turn of events, I managed to get pregnant on pretty much the same day of the same month, one year later).

So, anyway, fingers crossed.

I've stopped thinking about the election, though Madamepierce says everything I'd like to say but can't without plagarizing, so I'll link. I'm going through the part where I leave the paper at the bottom of the driveway where it gets waterlogged and unreadable, and therefore I'm absorbing about 1/10th as much news as I normally do. We have a president? If you say so.

I'm still pretty angry at just about everyone, and no one has been able to explain to me exactly how the republicans carry the churches when the party comes down AGAINST social welfare and FOR capital punishment. Is it really that important that we keep the gays from marryin'? And anyone who thinks abortion is solved by legislating against it is welcome to time travel back to before Roe v. Wade, where the only people who really aren't able to get safe abortions and end up botching them at home or being fondled by some sick 'doctor' that lands them in a hospital are poor women and scared kids (because the rich can jet off to Safeland, where you can get an abortion and a tan) and we're more comfortable sacrificing the poor and the terrified young than we are offering them a safe alternative, then hurrah! Except that seems the opposite of Christian to me, but what do I know?

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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