
Pies can't even VOTE, man. Let them have their say the only way they know how.
12:11 p.m.

Where have I been? Where have you been, young lady?

To tell you the cleaned up truth, I just haven't had much to say that's been fit for human consumption lately. It's all like the meat that is served only in prison and public schools, except the rating here denotes not green-ness, but privateness. And once I have a secret, I can't NOT talk about it. I can not TELL it, but I still have to talk about it. It makes me extremely fun to be around. So, I haven't really been leaving the house lately. I'll spill it eventually, but right now it's mine. Maybe I'll even spill it dramatically, like the Britney Spears' Letter Of Truth, or whatever. Good times.

So, what's been up lately? First and most importantly, Tucson made me immensely proud by chucking pies at the lovely and talented toxic and lap dog of evil-ish Ann Coulter. I am sad that they missed. My husband thinks that all should have the right to free speech without fear of retribution, and I totally agree with him, but don't see how pies shouldn't be allowed to get a word in edgewise. Pies can't even VOTE, man. Let them have their say the only way they know how.

Other things I have enjoyed recently include the Ashlee Simpson I wasn't lip syncing; oh fine, I was; It was my band's fault; no wait, it wasn't.

I hope this heralds the end of her career. I am so sick of this faux-alternative crap.

I'm freaking out about the election. I have never, ever lived in a red state before. Ever. Every election ever my state has gone overwhelmingly for the democratic candidate. I hope Bush's whole scare the crap out of the country so they'll whimper and vote for him schtick doesn't work. I read an article in the New York Times Magazine about how Bush doesn't deal with facts, but he just goes with his gut. Also, Bush asserted that Sweden doesn't have an army, even when he was reminded that yes, actually, it does. The article convinced me that not only is Bush not who I would choose to be president based on education, the economy, etc., but that he is extremely dangerous. Terrifying. Vote, my little hampsters. Read up and vote.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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