
Eastern Europe Foto Fest
11:48 a.m.

Man oh man, I am BACK. In fact, I've been back for almost a WEEK. I would have written sooner, but my computer contracted a VIRUS. Let me tell you, that SUCKED.

Anyway, hi! I'm back from the Eastern Europe! I ate sausages! I saw old men peeing on the streets at noon! I saw a Hungarian pop group perform in a town square, and they were Extremely Serious about the whole thing! One sleeve shirt!

Here's my favorite photo, I think. It's of a random sign on a random street in Buda.

Here's my second favorite photo. It's all the tourists looking at the Astronomical Clock in Prague.

I feel kind of mean for taking that one, but it cracked me up. Is that wrong?

Here's us in Vienna, which is pronounced WEEN in German. I love that. WEEN. On the train to Prague, a guy asked me: Are you coming from Ween? Yes. Yes I am.

Here's some stained glass at the Municipal House in Prague. I love the Art Nouveau stuff. I love that I'm so cultured that I call it "Art Nouveau Stuff."

In sad news, our foster dog, Goldie, died while we were away. We weren't expecting this (death from Valley Fever is really rare) and we were really sad. I miss her. I wish I'd been here so the pet sitter didn't have to deal with it, but I'm glad someone was here to hold her. Poor pup.

I don't think we're getting another dog, foster or otherwise. One of our brilliant cats (I am looking at you, Chelsea) is peeing everywhere. "Everywhere" used to mean the carpet and the floor near the litter box. "Everywhere" now includes the guest bed and, when we close off the guest room, our bed. Yay! FYI, getting a duvet dry cleaned costs almost as much as a new duvet. Heh. We have an animal behaviorist coming out to the house this weekend. I can't wait, because: Grody.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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