
"Pffffft! Pfffft!" said the rabbit.
4:35 p.m.

I could have sworn I updated the other day, but it isn't there. I'm hallucinating about my on-line journal. Neat!

Let's see.

So I've been booking my trip to Hungary, Austria, and the Czech Republic, and I just got an email confirmation from a hotel with the subject line "RE: Szobafoglalas." Heh. Sweet.

Also, I finally finished painting the guest room. I did a semi-crap job (I taped off the edges, but paint seeped under and mades the line between ceiling and wall and floorboard trim all wonky, due to the textured nature of these walls) but I love the color so WHOO. I think I'm just going to slap up crown moulding, or something. Or, more likely, just leave it because I don't go in there too much.

I went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind yesterday, and Kate Winslet's character is my new fashion hero. I used to be so cute and funky, but lately I've been mostly blah and boring, with Old Navy t-shirts in various colors and jeans and that's it. I desperately need to infuse some fun in my wardrobe. So I went shopping and bought a few not-run-of-the-mill tops and we'll see how that goes. Hold me.

Shopping =ed #1 hilarious. First of all, I went looking for pants in particular, as none of mine fit properly anymore (or if they do, they are one million years old and seriously out of style) and ended up with 4 tops. (The Four Tops!) No pants. No shorts. No skirts. Heh.

But! The best part! The dressing room story!

The dressing room was pretty big and almost deserted. There were something like 10 stalls (at least), and I was the only person in there. I picked one one out from the wall. After I'd been in there about 3 minutes, trying on all my potential booty, another girl comes in. She takes the one directly next to me, flush to the wall. A minute later, another girl comes in, and just whips open my curtain. Whip! Hello, underpants! Hello, mid-trying on a pair of pants!

All of the dressing rooms that aren't occupied are very obviously not occupied, as the curtains are draped over the hook inside to show that they are cavernous and available. Mine, since I'm in it and, I don't know, two-thirds naked, is closed. And my feet are on display and my pants are bunched up next to my purse, all clearly visible from the outside world.

So, this girl says "Sorry," right? So she says sorry and goes on to claim another dressing room? Obviously? No! Of course not! She stands there insolently looking at me and says, "Look, my friend is in the room next to you, can I have this one?"

Ha? What? I yanked the curtain shut and said, "Excuse me? Uh, no? And why don't you ask your friend to move to one of the other open ones?" (Or maybe I just said no and made a lot of noises not dissimilar to the noise a rabbit will make if you put in on the couch and don't let it down. Not that my friend and I used to do this to her rabbit or anything. No! You must stay on the couch! "Pffffft! Pfffft!" said the rabbit.)

She muttered something, went to another one, and then made this huge show of it being hard to show each other what they were trying on because they had to meet in the middle. Which they would have had to do anyway, since my cube wasn't magically connected to her friend's?

As a total sidebar this-girl-was-a-bitch story, as her friend was trying stuff on, whenever the stuff was too small for her friend, she would be like, "Let me try it. Ooooh, this is so cute on ME."

That totally ruled. I couldn't even be mad because it was just so completely hilarious.

Also fun from this past week is that I spent AGES hunting down the single Mad World by Gary Jules. Ages! Google google google. And then, just before I was about to just buy the single from some guy in something-ford-shire in the UK via ebay, I realized that I already own it as part of my hilarious (and now, useful) purchase of Now That's What I Call Music 1008 (okay, 56). Sweet! It's the absolute last song on the second CD, and I'd never bothered to play it that far. Thank you, ye gods of music.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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