
Please hire me for this job I can write good for serious."
9:36 p.m.

Okay. So I am in love. With Oh, hotwire, you are my new boyfriend, except instead of getting me drunk and telling me I'm pretty, you get me hotel rooms for insanely cheap. Bless you, hotwire.

Seriously, much love for the hotwire. I just scored a room for a wedding for 46 bucks instead of the discounted block of rooms price of 159. Whoo! This pleases me. It should also please the bride and groom, as I can now afford a wedding gift.

Just kidding. I actually still can't afford a wedding gift.

Ah, anyway. Today I worked on a cover letter for a job that I'd really like. Except, I'm not so sure I'm qualified, since it's a writing job and I can't seem to finish the freaking cover letter. It just comes across as, "Please hire me for this job I can write good for serious." I am having a huge block on this letter, which leads me to believe that I am enjoying a life without shoes or alarm clocks more than I usually admit.

But I also would really like some income, please. The cats would miss me, but OH their college accounts would swell.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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