
Father, give me legs!
9:19 p.m.

Double You Tee Eff? I forgot I had a diary. Whoops? I am sorry, diary.

Anyway. What is there to say? My furnace kicked out. It does not make cool air. It makes noise, though, so that's something. We looked at it for a while, poked it a bit, banged on it once or twice, and we have agreed that, no, it doesn't work. Yay. When we bought this pile of bricks, they told us the furnace was brand new. Tomorrow I will hunt down their WHOLE FAMILIES. Or, call a repair place. Or both.

Today was the day of money spending. My friend gave my clueless self some makeup recommedations and so I went winging to the MAC counter and ripped the magnetic strip right off my credit card. Whoops? But I am SO PRETTY. I blush like a virgin bride at Dick's Last Resort, shaded only by my be-veiled baseball cap with a ballon animal penis attachment. Or like I'm wearing blush. Or both.

Other things that I bought today include a shower gift for someone I met once ("Nancy Drew: The Wedding Disaster Caper"), 2 address books for gifts, a big coffee table book about London (Bless you, Borders bargain table), a pool vacuum (good bye, savings account), and various other small bits that are the bits of daily life. Oh the money and how it flows through the hour glass like the sands of time. These are the dollars of my life.

What? I am making no sense today.

Heh, I bought Now That's What I Call Music 56 off ebay recently. Man, I don't know how the British support the sheer volume of pop music that comes out of their country. I mean, damn. I don't get it. I consider this purchase to be a sociological experiment. That I'll listen to at the gym. I can't wait for it to arrive. Tucson radio blows, ClearChannel style. NPR is its only saving grace, and you can't dance to Talk of the Nation.

I bought a bunch of beat up copies of Madeline this weekend. I'm going to wallpaper my bathroom with them. This pleases me. In theory. I'm sure in execution I'll end up swearing a lot and abandoning the idea.

It's getting hot in herre. Damn you, furnace!

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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