
Oh my little hampsters. Hello.
8:52 p.m.

Today I filed stuff! It was almost like work expect without a packcheck and while wearing orange cords and a washed beyond recognition Lollapalooza t-shirt with a massive rip in the armpit. Sexy.

Anyway, filing stuff cracked me up because I was all lofty at first with categories like "Banking" and "Student Loans." Then I spiraled into "Rav4 Papers," "Insurance - Auto" and "Car Stuff." It made me laff to think of people going through my files at work when I left. They'll find stuff like, "External Press Releases" with nothing in it because while I was supposed to do that, I didn't ever get the chance. I did, however, manage to send out inflammatory emails that were then leaked to the press (this is almost like a press release) AND I made a folder for press releases. It was empty but WHATEVER.

The guy that I inherited my desk from had a touch of the crazy. Or so I'm told. He was escorted from the building before I started. Anyway, crazypants used to print out and file EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS EMAILS. Dude, that is not what email is for. But, then, our boss used to print out emails, write his response on them, and send them to you via interoffice mail (which took about 4 days). Then he'd email you back instructing you to do something entirely different about a week later. God I miss my job except not. Anyway, so I left a few of his folders in there just to jazz up any attempts to make sense out of what I left behind.

I an insulated from the crazies, here. I am also insulated from everything and everyone else.

But, this is my pool, so whatever.

Oh god yes you expensive little lagoon, I can't wait for it to warm up so I can drink margaritas by you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated.

I've killed that palm tree since that picture was taken. It finds my presence to be offensive. Whatever, palm tree, with your fibrous trunk and fronds.

In other news, I have six beanie babies. Why? And, more to the point, what do I do with them? I itch to throw them in the donate box, but their little eyes implore me to keep them. And, I'm oddly fond of them. Especially the unhinged looking bird. And the lamb. And the cocker spaniel named Spunky, just like MY cocker spaniel was growing up. Sure, so she took a chunk out of my sister's face (twice) but she was a sweet dog. Plus my parents are coming (look forward to that entry, my friends) and they gave me 90% of them (can you do 90% of 6 without tearing off a limb>) and they'd notice, because they're like that.

Ah, okay then. I must shower off the gym now.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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