
Also shovel with which to kill rattlesnakes.
10:41 a.m.

Hey, I suck. Whoo!

Anyway, there has been mass confusion and overwhelmingness. Because I'm moving approximately 2739 miles away in less than 3 weeks. Ha. HAHAHAHA.

I think I am in denial. The only thing I have done to prepare is quit my job and make a pile of phone books to recycle. I also unpacked the study from our last move, which was exactly one year ago.

So now we have to sell the house (I have an army of gardeners and cleaners coming over tomorrow. Hopefully this will prepare me for my role as High Maintenence Housewife that I will be performing in Tucson while I figure out what one does with oneself in the desert.), have it packed for us, and box up 4 cats and somehow get them transported to Arizona. Maverick will not enjoy this. He needs the falconer gloves at the vet, I can only imagine how much he'll enjoy a flight. Molly will likely howl and then hide under the new bed for a month, and then again when we find permanent housing. Chelsea and Chewy are unpredictable, because I haven't had them long enough to make vet trips with them. Chewy chilled during the drive to our place from the shelter, though, so he should be fine.

Speaking of Chewy, I am told that he got on the bed last night and purred. Then my husband tried to pet him, so he stopped purring and went away. I slept through this, which makes me sad. Once in a lifetime, y'all, both the purring and the bed being on. Our surly teen cat sought us out. Aw.

Digression? Why, yes. My head is this insane jumble so I have been sparing you all. All I can think about it crap, I need to have the couch picked up oh God, what are we going to do with these mattresses and why do we have them in the first place? Oh man, Chelsea, that is disgusting. Oh my god my job will never make sense to anyone else. Make sense? No? That's why i haven't been writing.

Me move soon. Someone buy house please. Also shovel with which to kill rattlesnakes. Possibly also locate MAC counter in Tucson please.

Okay then. More later.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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