
There were quails that looked like pigeons with hats on.
10:31 a.m.

Okay. Well, Damn. The lady may be moving to Arizona.

I don't really have anything articulate to say about this, but it is the truth. I went to Tucson and it was good. If everything works out, to Tucson we will go. I like the cacti. I especially enjoy mispronouncing "Saguaro." I fear the politics there, and I fear I will not fit in. I am terrified of snaked and I wish people would stop telling me stories about the time they saw a rattlesnake in their garage. However, I will not fit in and be terrified of snakes in my MTV Cribs Style abode which cost me approximately 38 cents. And I said god damn. Some of their houses cost less than CARS. It is insane. It is insane and my Boston real estate beaten self LOVES IT.

Okay then.

Anyway, we stayed at this insanely posh resort free of charge (thank you, recruiting company!). I share with you the images.


And, damn. Also, we ate breakfast just outside the frame of this picture. Please note looming mountains.

Okay then. There was lolling on the private balcony. There was being given a lift to the spa in a golf cart. There was horrifying waxing from which I still have a rash. There was forgetting my bathing suit and then purchasing an extremely trampy one which I was oddly unselfconscious in because hell if I would never wear anything like that so clearly it wasn't me Miss Texas-ing all around the pool area. There was a waterslide at the resort. There were quails that looked like pigeons with hats on. There was much rejoicing.

Anyway, it was a nice weekend.

I just got really distracted by work and now must go do more work. Train of thought lost, I surrender.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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