
I am a sucker.
5:28 p.m.

Oh, the job. The job the job the job. How I shake my fist at it. I have a meeting at SEVEN THIRTY tonight. I want everyone to know that I don't know why I put up with this. If we don't move to Tucson I swear to god I am sending out resumes galore as soon as I get back from this trip. Which should net me a new job in approximately 25 months.


Okay then. Hello, friend.

I am bored with that list. It seems like my regular disjointed babble expect with numbers in front of the paragraphs. So I think I'll drop the numbers for now. Maybe I'll throw some in later, just for kicks.

I am going to Tucson TOMORROW. I will not lick the cacti. I will wear sunscreen and a hat. I will sleep too much and maybe act like a pampered wife. I am thinking facial, since we're staying at a spa. Whoo, spa. Here, that would be where you would go get a sub. There, it is where you get a facial. Mixing that with this might = smearing tuna salad on your face. Which, really, wouldn't make much sense.

Much like me.

I think I'm giddy or loopy. It's gorgeous out and I am logging 10 hours in a stuffy no windowed basement. For a horrifyingly small amount of money and a many months overdue possibly not even on its way mythical raise. In conclusion: Grah.

Lush opens in Boston this weekend, says the word on the street. Strangely, my latest Lush order is en route as we speak. I like to pay unecessary shipping charges and wait a long time, I guess. Oh, the soap that awaits. I can't believe I can actually walk into a shop and purchase this stuff, as of Saturday. I don't have to fly to Toronto! God bless America and our insane financial pull. You will sell out to us. Hand over the Banana Moon.

Anyway. I like my haircut. I am so glad my hairdresser is back in town.

Mmmph. I don't really have much to say. Maybe I do need the list to prompt me into more and more random topics.

Anyway, wheeeee long weekend and spa stay! Also, cacti! Also, houses with prices that don't make me seize! Yay!

Okay then. More basement trapped work now, love, the sucker.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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