
Cleaning and pictures. Also, up close and personal with my socks.
10:43 a.m.

Friday Five!

1. What housekeeping chore(s) do you hate doing the most?

I do not enjoy doing the dishes. In fact, the dishes can bite me. I long for a dishwasher but don't have the energy to actually figure out how to have one installed and where it would go.

Oh God, I forgot about the litter boxes. It is while I am cleaning those suckers that I wonder what the ass I was thinking when I accumulated 4 cats.

2. Are there any that you like or don't mind doing?

I like to do most of it. I especially like swiffering and polishing, because I have such shiny floors and it's so pretty when it's done. I like cleaning the bathroom because it's instant gratification. From gross to clean in 2 minutes!

3. Do you have a routine throughout the week or just clean as it's needed?

I am trying to get into a routine. At least once a week I clean the bathroom while I'm getting ready for work. I keep a canister of Clorox wipes on the back of the toilet and I go to town on the sink and the toilet tank while I'm brushing my teeth. Other than that, things get done at random, but I try to do things while I'm stranded. Like, I feed the cats and while they're eating (I have to watch to make sure Maverick eats the pill laced food and doesn't abandon it to let the other cats have his antibiotics) I wipe down the counter and put away things in the kitchen that have been left out. Thursday night I clean out the fridge and put the garbage in the barrells for pick up. I think about this too much. But I'm trying to make an effort to have a non-craptastic home.

4. Do you have any odd cleaning/housekeeping quirks or rules?

If my husband is cleaning, I feel like an ass if I am not also cleaning, and vice versa. This is senseless, though, because we both often clean while the other isn't around.

Also, if it's in a closet? It's fine. Even if it's a total mess. I need to rethink this and organize the closets.

5. What was the last thing you cleaned?

The last act of cleaning was a total overhaul on Sunday. Since then it's been pretty pristine, and my husband has been on litter duty. The last thing I did then was to scrub the outside of my front door.

Okay then. Pictures!

Here are my very professional socks. I have no meetings today.

And here is Maverick, hanging tough under the dining room table. He's rough.

I can't decide whether or not the King Richard's Faire would be hilarious or depressing. I have bad memories of a forced attendance when I was 15. There was overzealous male dork attention and I think my sister and I ended up hiding in a tent.

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- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

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No more. - 2005-01-13

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