
I smell crazy.
3:35 p.m.

Ahh. Lunch beer. Bad Idea Jeans? Or BEST IDEA EVER? You decide. Or, my boss could decide. Jury out.

On my hotmail home page (Hot! Mail!) I was just asked "WHY ARE THE FRENCH SO THIN?" I clicked on it, thinking "please say the cheese please say the cheese." But alas, the article had a lot of words in it that were not cheese and I distrust MSN content to begin with, so I became distracted by a shiny object and gave up.

MSN content has the ability to piss me off. For example, last week I clicked on a title that said something like "How to Keep a Tidy Home in Less Time." It brought me to You know what? Fuck you, MSN. Fuck you and your second shift. I have a full time job, and I don't need you making the housekeeping my full responsibility with your goddamned presumptuous URLs. In closing, eff off.

Okay then. Beer releases rage.

In other news, not much. My cats poop in weird places (like the bathtub, which is SO CLOSE to the toilet with its magical lack of scooping and litter. IF ONLY I COULD TRAIN THEM.) if we don't clean every single bit of mess out of their way at all times. The cats see it like this: Get home. Get mail. Scoop litter. Possibly remove all litter and replace with completely fresh litter after scrubbing down box with toothbrush. Do other chores. Laze around. Scoop litter. Brush teeth. Go to bed. Wake up. Scoop litter.

I have two boxes and clean them daily, you monstrous poo-filled cats! I shake my fist at the sky.

Hmm. I smell crazy. More later.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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