
I called you! I have a big suitcase!
3:20 p.m.

Uggggghhhhllhhh. That's the noise my job makes. For serious.

Friday was the day of crap. Day of Crap. It involved:

1. Really pale khakis, my period, and the three hour meeting. My period is normally a gentle trickling stream, but for that brief moment in time, it gushed in a way that made Noah ready his ark. This ended with me balling up said pants and wearing a borrowed skirt despite not shaving in three days.

2. Yummy lunch at Zaftigs. Which was not a bad thing until we discovered that someone had smashed in the side window of my lunch buddy's fiance's car. Stereo gone. Glass everywhere.

3. That's really it. But isn't that enough? Stubble, stains, and stealing?

The rest of the weekend was lovely. I attended the annual block party and met all of my lovely neighbors. I love my home even more now, if possible. I'm surrounded by fun and interesting people. Yay? Well, except for whichever house was responsible for the repeated honking and screaming fight at 7:00 yesterday morning about who was taking someone to the Chinatown bus. The fight went something like this:

Brrrrrvvvvvvvvhhhhh (car speeding up), screech! (car stopping)

Honnnnnnkk! Honnnk honnnk! Honnnnnnnnnnnk!

"I called your cell phone and you didn't answer! I need to be at the Chinatown bus!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut UP!"

"I have a big suitcase!"

"Shut up! Shut up! Mom, go back inside. Mom! SHUT UP!"

"I called you! I have a big suitcase!"

"Shut up!"

And then the car would drive away. Then it would drive back. And then it would all start again. It got to the point where I was just standing outside in my pajamas, watching the car drive away and then come back to honk and yell again. He needed to be at the Chinatown bus! No, he could not just take a cab. Honey, just give him 20 dollars! Mom, shut UP! Bvvvvvvvvvttt, screech, honnnnk! Honnnnk! Shut up! He has a big suitcase!

I finally just got out of bed. It was a lame way to start a Sunday, though. I like to laze into coffee and the paper.

Work now. Insane piles of crazy. Meetings. PU to the max.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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