
Dr. Nick and Late Night Neck Brace Esquire
10:03 a.m.

Ah, weekend. God bless thee, Saturday and Sunday.

Rear-Ending Sounds Dirty.

We got rear-ended yesterday. It kind of sucked. It could have been a lot worse, so I guess I'm thanking my lucky stars that we didn't get shoved out into oncoming Route 1 traffic and slammed into by a Lincoln Navigator or something. But, as it was, it still sucked the royal bag. You stop to wait for your turn to merge, but the person behind us just thought it was an on-ramp, where you plow on without stopping. Which she tried to do, but her plans were foiled by our wiley Toyota. She looked like she was probably about 16, maybe 17, and she was freaking out that her parents would find out, and trying to convince us there was no damage and did we really need her phone number?

I totally empathize. I made a career of rear-ending people when I was a teenager. It's one of the reasons I chose to live in a city with public transport, and not to be a two car household. I drive maybe once a month, and rarely very far, even though I am a much better driver nowadays. Empathy doesn't mean that she's not going to pay for any damage to the car, though, or that if my neck freezes up or my husband's stomach surgery doesn't heal right from being shoved into the seatbelt that we're not going to hire Dr. Nick and Late Night Neck Brace Esquire, though. Except for the part about Dr. Nick and Neck Brace. But empathy doesn't mean I won't tell. I shelled out for my driving indiscretions and I think the fear of handing every dollar over to my father (I only ever caused damage to my own car, hilariously and luckily enough) until the end of time forever and ever amen caused me to plan my driving life differently, for the benefit of all mankind.

Okay then.

My horoscope seemed to indicate that if I don't crack down on my work inbox I will be fired. Actually, it was really vague (also, it's a horoscope), but that's what I interpret it as, and so a-plowing I will go.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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