
11:16 a.m.

Okay, here's The Man. The man who sleeps tucked against my side with his head on my pillow, who wakes me up by snorffling his head into my armpit (what?), and who makes sweet, sweet love to any paper product he can pull out of the garbage can.

And here's the lady, who loves purring on my feet, being scared for about 4 seconds and then forgetting that she was scared, and cardio petting.

And here's Chewy, the laidback Chewbacca noise making not wanting much to do with us cat.

And, of course, the one, the only, the old school: Molly.

Also, my new window seat cushions!

I'm still working on curtains and lighting, but it's a start. I may also score more cushions.

Here's what Molly thinks of the cushions:

Okay then. Yay digital camera!

I'm so busy at work this week. I thought I'd put a project to bed, but instead of coming back with just approval initials, it came back covered in red ink. So now I'm all tracking changes and rocking the casbah. Except for the rocking the casbah part.

I'm itching to go on vacation again. Yes, I did just get back. Yes, it was awesome. But there are so many places I want to go before I start kidding and car pooling. I feel this immense pressure to see everything before I can't anymore. I'm itching to hit New Zealand, Iceland, and basically all of western Europe. I'd also like to go back to Japan and show it to my husband. Additionally, I'd like to hike through the Mayan ruins, and hopefully not see any "Mom's in spinning class" hieroglyphics. Seriously, I know this won't all happen, but I likes to reads the travel books and watch the programs and get excited about it.

Okay then. Back to red ink.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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