
International Foods Powdered Ass
10:31 a.m.

Ahhhh, weekend. We hardly knew ye.

So, it's Monday. In short, Monday blows. My desk looks like it go hit by a hurricane. Or maybe just like I never organize it. Ever. Perhaps I should take the opportunity of my boss (or, one of my 500 boss type people) being on vacation to make sense of my desk. I kind of like the hurricane aspect, but I think it sends the message that I'm a total spaz. Which I am. But sometimes I like to keep that a secret.

Guerilla Decorating

So, yesterday, my husband left on a jet plane. He'll be back next week, but he'll be gone for his birthday, which stinks for him. So, I launched a full scale home improvement project, which I'm attempting to get in under radar. Since we share a credit card, this probably won't happen, as he obsessively checks the balance online, and will surely notice all the charges. Whoops? But I think it will be fun for him to come home to a redone house. Or at least redone bits and pieces. So far I've tackled the window seat, which was bare white wood, mostly used as a dumping ground and coffee table. Now it's a fun couch-like seating area which beckons you to read while enjoying a steaming cup of International Foods Powdered Ass. Or real coffee. You might also peruse a thoughtfully worded Hallmark card there.

Anyway, it looks awesome. I'm not done with it (I still need curtains and the cord for the hanging lamp didn't make it from the cart to the bag), but it looks 100% better. Molly, the most skittish of all the kitties, loves it very much, and slept on it all night last night, which was equal parts lovely and adorable.

Even though I fear outing myself as lame, I'll admit that I got every bit of the decor from Target's Todd Oldham dorm line. So, clearly, despite just hurdling my 26th birthday, I'm still pretending to be in college. Either that or dorm decor is better than it was back in my day. I would love to say "back in aught one," but, sadly, I graduated in the 90s, and therefore can't bust that move. But, who cares? The cushions are adorable, and I love them. They're perfect and they were way cheaper than I'd planned and way easier than doing it myself. And I now have a reading nook. Now I just have to attack my hideous couch with some bolts of fabric and an industrial stapler and I'll be all set. Or partially set. Dammit, I need to be on trading spaces. Except I'd probably get Frank and then he'd freaking PAINT my couch or something. Because he's insane.

God. I am all over the freaking place today.

I think maybe I should step away from the keyboard. Yes. I think that is perhaps the best idea.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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