
11:15 a.m.

For the record, I have no idea what I mean by Radachachacha! I just felt like saying it.

My cats are still separated. Last night, laid back Chewbacca (who is Chewish but does not go to temple, because temple is located Outside) was at the door to the bedroom where we're keeping Chelsea and Maverick, and he looked curious, so I let him in. He barely acknowleged them and then peed in their litter box. Chelsea got off the bed and was really scared, hissing at him, and Chewy was interested in smelling her and totally baffled by the hissing. He's such a laid back cat. My husband and I were DYING when he was just like, "Huh, two new cats. Dum da dum. Oh SWEET, litter. SSsssssssssssssssssssssss." Chewy freaking rules.

I wonder if he will write a children's book about Chewish Mysticism and then hawk it at Gap Kids? Like Madonna? I will ask him when I get home.

I have to pee so much that I fear this type will be yellow. That's gross. Once, when I was a kid, I was drinking so much McDonald's Orange Drink (I love that creative name) at a Fresh Air Fund picnic (I think I was actually under the spigot with my mouth open -- I was big into moderation as a kid) that my mom told me I'd pee orange. Was this supposed to be a deterrant? Because it honestly went from sick sugar seeking zombie greed to sick sugar seeking zombie greed pee-based science experiment. I think it also led to the time that I started drinking water while sitting on the toilet to see how long it would take to make it through. This was back when we were a one bathroom household, so this caused discord in the ranks. If by ranks I mean my father. It also illustrates how little there was to do in my birth to age nine hometown. My biggest play memories are pee experiments and using the label maker to afix names to my horses' saddles. If by horses I mean parallel to the ground tree branch and by saddle I mean smiley face placemat.

Holy freaking digression.


Pee now. Type later.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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