
Throwing Bags of Urine
2:34 p.m.

So, this is a Two Entry Day. Whoo! But only because Mayapple asked to see pictures of my two new kitties. So here they are!

Here's Maverick:

and Chelsea:

Maverick is seriously the fattest cat ever, excluding Weekly World News coverage from the reality pool. I'm hoping he can lose some weight through our house's Kitty Boot Camp program, which consists mainly of stairs and other cats chasing you.

My uncle said that I'm turning into the crazy cat lady, what with my 4 cats. But then I found out that his wife is pregnant again, which, since that makes four, makes him the crazy kid man. You have to change diapers WAY more than the cat box, bud. Also, as brilliant as they are, I'm not opening a Upromise account for any of my kitties. Even though I live in an alternate reality where it is a normal thing to house 4 cats, at least I'm not thinking they'll go to college. (Especially not Chewy, since he's a soccer hooligan who is more suited to throwing bags of urine at the opposing teams than to acing his PSATs.)


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