
Everyone knows I'm crazy now. They KNOW.
11:15 a.m.


Extremely self-indulgent wah I was sick entry to follow.

So, yesterday, I had a headache. It wasn't a particularly mild headache, but it was manageable. I had a dentist appointment, which might have been a bad idea (headache plus drill equals ow), but I kept it because I'm a wuss who looks for any excuse to cancel dentist appointments and, honestly, I need to just get it over with.

So, in goes the novacaine. In come the hands and drills. And, suddenly, I feel like I'm going to both pass out at throw up. I break out in a cold sweat. It's only one filling, so I sit it out. When they're done, I stumble to pay and then back to work. I feel like I'm not going to make it. I pause to yak in some bushes. (Yay!) I make it back to my desk, call my husband, and look up commuter rail schedules. I shoot my boss an email saying that I've very suddenly come down with something and I am going the ass home. Except I leave out "the ass". On my way out the door, I pause to explain that I'm headed out, and I get that out and then start to cry. Ha ha. In front of a bunch of people that I work with. I'm insane. Like, uncontrollable wracking sobs. Then I start cracking up, but it sounds like I'm crying even harder. Ha. Oh my God. I do not want to go back to work on Monday.

I'm not even 100% sure what my deal was. I think I was just overwhelmed by the idea of trying to get home via public transport while feeling like that. I would have taken a cab, but I couldn't imagine walking all the way to the ATM. I could have had my husband pick me up, but I wanted to get out of there immediately. So, I did. And there was something wrong with the T and it was pouring, so I took a bus, and it was one of those overzealous braking buses, so I got off and threw up again. Then I walked to and hopped on the orange line, where I slept. Or at least until a huge group of campers and their counselors who couldn't possibly have been old enough to counsel got on, and all screamed and shoved all the way to my stop. (Oh my god, am I a bitter old lady? When I got off, one of the counselors yelled "Let the lady through!" Am I a lady? Good god.)

Anyway. Blah blah blah nightmare. I got home. I passed out and slept for about 3 hours. I woke up and still felt like ass, but I went to meet the cats anyway. Holy hell, they're awesome. Then I came back home and went straight to bed again, and slept for 12 more hours. I feel alive again today, but I'm still dreading work. Everyone thinks knows I'm crazy now. Ha. Crap.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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