
Bugs that Suck
3:05 p.m.

Every single freaking day I put this one heinous task off, and off, and off. Sometimes I start doing it, but then get so frustrated that I give up and move on to something else. I always sweartogod that I'll do it before the end of the day, and then 3 o'clock rolls around and I have my afternoon headache in addition to the general malaise, so I stare at it, get frustrated, and then, final stage, ignore. I said God Damn. The thing that so fully sucks about this is that it should be easy, but since someone did it in a way that makes what should be a 5 minute task a month plus ordeal (before you think I'm an idiot, I'm counting the time I was away on vacation in there) it makes me even more frustrated and I give up more easily.

Do you want to know what this stupid project is? Basically, someone edited something I wrote and wrote a few extra paragraphs to add to it. Except they wrote it in their completely impossible to read handwriting. Just ask them, right? Unfortunately, they're really hard to corner and at this point, I've left it too long to admit that it's not perfect and complete. Instead I've chosen to bring it home with me and google odd combinations of letters until it looks like I have the right words and squint and swear and have mild panic attacks. Ah, work.

Attack of the Mosquitos

I said god damn. Like all this rain didn't suck enough (says the person who missed 11 days of it while on vacation in oddly sun filled France and England), it's now been proclaimed that the record rainfall has produced the ideal climate for mosquito breeding. Fark! Seriously. Can we not catch a climate/ weather break around here? I really really hope that Boston doesn't bear the brunt of this because my house is revealing that its screens all suck and even the windows that both open and have screens (a total of 2! out of 25! Summer will suck!) seem to have holes in them. I'm looking at you, Chewbacca. I'm also looking at the previous owners and wondering what they did with the screens (the windows are really weird sizes, so there's no way they'd need to bring them with them). But they probably didn't eat them like Chewy seems to have done.

I have a huge ugly mosquito bite on the back of my ankle which is probably for the 4 hours we spent in Vermont. You mosquitos are bastard mosquitos.

Speaking of bugs that suck, there has been a dead cockroach in my office since before I got back. I refuse to touch it and facilities hasn't responded to our numerous calls to come retrieve it, so it's still there. I built a wall around it out of old posters so I can pretend it's not there. Yay! Also, disgusting.

I look like a total dork today. I've been way too lazy to do laundry lately, and to be honest, I really don't have that much to choose from when my laundry is fully caught up and accessible. I'm far too afraid to spend any money on clothes right now. I'm convinced that nothing will fit me and even if it did it wouldn't fit for long because I'm going to magically lose 10 pounds. Hahaha delusion. I should just break down and buy clothes, but I keep filling up my cart at various places and then just leaving it there. Once all the money adds up I just can't justify it, even though I'm looking progressively schlugish as time goes on. I need to suck it up and just bear the consequences, for serious.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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