
Watch out for the Streetwalkers!
1:05 p.m.


Oh my god. Could it be a nicer day? I want to go outside and sit in the grass by the river and read a book. Now. Instead, I sit in a basement with no windows editing science papers. Blah. Oh well. Such is adulthood, at least right now.

At least I have my upcoming vacation to salivate over. As much as I hate ironing out logistics, I am completely loving the planning of this trip. If I decide it, so it will be. Like, I booked a hotel and now we're staying there? And my dad doesn't approve of my hotel choice (not that I ask him for his approval, but they just went to Paris and recommended a hotel which was already full, so I told them where I did book) and that doesn't matter? Apparently it's in a sleazy district (but it's not) and there are "streetwalkers" nearby. Er, so? I think my dad's version of unacceptable and mine are totally different. I mean, red light district? Funny to me. Scary to him. Okay then.

But also, I read the guidebooks and I say, "Let's stay here for a night and tour that," and point AND THEN WE DO. It rules.

So I guess my point is that maybe I work in a basement and never see my husband because he's always travelling but because we do all these work things we get to do all these other fun things, and we get to have a house. And I guess I'm willing to make that trade. Does that mean I have two mortgages on my soul? Maybe. But this isn't forever. We can always ditch our insane Boston real estate and move to the middle of nowhere and live for much, much less. And maybe we will, but we'll deal for right now.

Holy self-indulgent rambling. Sorry.

Molly is in The House.

She totally is! She rules. She's so excited to not be terrified anymore. She runs around and follows us everywhere, meowing at us and trying to trip us. On Saturday night/ Sunday morning, she initiated a game of fetch with one of her toy mice. It went on for about 30 minutes. About every 5 fetches, she'd forget to bring the mouse back but she'd still come back and look at us like she expected us to throw it. My husband faked throwing something and Molly tore off after nothing. Ha! We both cracked up, but then we felt bad, so every time she didn't bring it back and still wanted to play, we went and found it for her. Then she got worn out and slept in between us and purred a lot. It was lovely. It's so nice to have her back to her hilarious self, even though we miss the Lucy.

Someone emailed me in response to an ad I put out about adopting La Luche! I sent them pictures and the shelter's contact info. They have a rambunctious kitty and they're looking for a playmate for him to "tear around with." I think Lucy would like nothing better than a partner in tear around crime, so I hope they adopt her!

What are you reading?

I just finished The Little Friend by Donna Tartt, which was really good, but involved much snake detail that my phobic brain is still terrified about. Hate. Snakes.

I just started Possession by A.S. Byatt. I am confused and embarassed by the Paltrow on the cover, but whatever. Library users can't be choosers.

I'm also picking through travel books, which is just awesome. Yay!

I work now.

I'm so swamped, and for some reason the fact that I'm stuffed up is making everything seem really difficult.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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