
Final Lucy Day.
1:52 p.m.


Lucy goes back to the shelter tonight. They just called to arrange it. Nooooo! I didn't know it would be today. I thought I'd have more warning, during which I could carry her around and sing to her and tell her that I love her fluffy belly. We might also play with string.

I feel awful. I've been a terrible kitty parent lately. It's hard to meet all of their kitty playtime needs while working full time, commuting an hour each way, and being alone while the husband is away. I usually rely on him to fill the duties of Kitty Playtime Prime Minister. He is usually the Manipulator of The String. So when he's gone, we don't play as much. It doesn't help matters that the laser ran out of batteries and we keep forgetting to check the size so we can buy more and drive Lucy out of her mind.

Anyway, I know that Molly is miserable and Lucy just isn't the right cat for our household, but it still kills me to see her go. Over the past 4 months, I've gotten really attached to her. I hate to see her go.

I think I'm going to leave early so I can play with her. And her fluffy belly.

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