
Falcon Crest: Vacation Destination of the Stars (Dodo Pepsydyne? Does anyone get that?)
1:55 p.m.

Another One Bites The Dust.

Okay, not really. I bit the dust almost 2 years ago and I liked it. One of my friends who I thought would never get married just sent me an "I'm engaged!" email. The subject line read "Impending Doom." Good stuff.

The Best Problem Ever.

So, I have a really great problem. I've been informed by the other half that we can go anywhere I want for vacation. ANYWHERE I WANT. He was like, "Stuttgart, Dallas, whatever, you pick."

Dallas? Only if we can also go to Falcon Crest.

Oh my. You actually can go to Falcon Crest.

So, anyway. Back to my "problem." I suck at making decisions. SUCK. Literally. I have no idea, ever. I always stay in the slow lane rather than pass even when my exit is 2 miles away, even if we're going approx. 45 miles an hour. I can't decide whether to pull out or not, so I just sit there. Anyway, that's how I feel about this vacation. I just sit here in Boston and can't focus on any other destination.

Domestic or Foreign? I was thinking: New Orleans. Some part of Europe (London? Ireland (again)? Greece? Paris? Italy? The British Isles (where my family is from)?). That Falcon Crest cabin. Toronto. The Grand Canyon/ Bryce Canyon/ Zion National Park. The Mayan Ruins.

Okay then. See the problem? How can one choose? I can't.

Actually, I was finally like, "Okay, let's go on our honeymoon again (we did a tour of the southern half of Ireland) and do Dublin and the northern half of the country!" Which sounds like fun because we're going for our anniversary, right? Except the man kind of hemmed and hawed, which means he doesn't want to. He suggested that we get Eurorail passes, which sounds like fun in theory and a nightmare in practice to me. We're only going for about 8 days, and I'm doubting that we're going to be ready to uproot every other day and spend that much time in between destinations when we could be spending it really getting to know one place. If that makes sense.

Maybe some really close together stuff, like Belgium and France. Or Switzerland. Seriously, I'll go anywhere. Even that Falcon Crest cabin. As long as he goes along. Ha. Withdrawal.

Okay then.

I have so much to do before I can leave, and I must be on time for PUB TRIVIA 2003! 2003 even though it's every week. What?

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Balls. - 2005-08-03

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No more. - 2005-01-13

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