
Kitties are not friends.
9:46 a.m.

Everyone is going to be so sick of hearing about my cats.

So, Miss Molly went to the vet last night, which is probably her Least Favorite Thing To Do. She hates it even more than she hates Lucy.

Anyway, the vet had a VOLUME CONTROL PROBLEM which had the effect of totally making it impossible for us to pay attention to what he was saying, because we were both trying so freaking hard not to laugh. It was one of those things where if we made eye contact, it was all over. So we're both smirking and looking at Molly as much as possible, so if we do laugh, it will seem to be at her hilariously pathetic meowing.

It's not really that terrible that we didn't listen that closely, because he seemed to be super old school and didn't have much to add. In fact, when he was done running through our options, we brought up some stuff that we'd read and he was like, "Oh yes, there is that, too." and then he'd tell us about half of what we'd read about it.

I think the only new thing we learned was a flower essence he suggested. I think it's called Five Flower essence, and you get it at health food stores. You put five drops each in their food and water each time you feed them, and then 5 drops either directly in their mouths or on a treat two or three times during the day. After about 10 days, he said, the cat will be calmer. So, we're going to try that.

Other than that, he pretty much just said stuff that I either didn't want to hear or didn't agree with. He said that you should never bring an adult cat into an already established household, and I think that's crap, but whatever. Maybe in Molly's case, he's right. In general, though, I think adult cats make kick ass pets and I'd much rather bring one of them home than a kitten. Kittens are cute and cuddly, and I love them (and Molly was a kitten when we got her), but I just feel this tremendous guilt about all the snuggly adults just waiting to be brought home and loved. Gah. KITTIES. I want to give them all a home. I want them to be friends.

Okay. I'm a touch nuts.

Anyway, so he suggests that Lucy has to go and that if they'd been capable of working it out, they would have done so by now. BUT I LOVE HER. Gah. He said the long term, constant stress is going to take a physical toll on Molly and I really can't have that happening, so maybe we're nearing the end of Lucy's Reign of Terror toward Molly and Reign of Being Prancy and Cute toward us. Gah.

Anyway, we've resolved to give it one more weekend. I think it's over and I'm just not capable of giving her up yet.

Hm. Okay, no funny today. I'm too sad right now. Maybe funny in a few hours.

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