
Back to the Shallows.
11:06 a.m.

I'm feeling Anti-Deep right now.

I feel bogged down by my most recent entry, so I'm dorkily updating Right Away.

This weekend, my husband and I did our best to boost the economy by shopping like rabid purchase seeking jackasses. I fear us. I also never balance the checkbook and just assume that he knows what's up with our finances. I hope he doesn't assume the same thing about me.

Anyway, so I'm kind of scared of us. We didn't get anything ridiculous, but the sheer volume was astounding.

We bought:

- Kitty Litter (Target has The World's Cheapest Scoopable Litter -- it's less than half the cost of everything else and just as good)

- a new litter box (the girls won't be sharing any time soon and the temporary box wasn't meant to be used for months)

- Note cards (I write a lot of letters)

- Tights (part of my official Wear More Skirts campaign, on behalf of my pants, which have unionized and are insisting that I give them some days off)

- Poster Board and Glue (I am having a random Art Creation urge. We'll see.)

- Clothes (mostly for work and all on sale, but including running socks to cut back on excuses)

- Starbucks Coffee (we fell off the attempt to save money by cutting back on coffee quality wagon when we realized we were buying more coffee outside of the house to make up for crappy at-home brew)

- a hose (I HATE HOME CRAP)

- a drain extender

- a bracket to afix the drain to the side of the house

- Groceries (week 2 of The World's Largest Salad, this time with pears and glazed walnuts)

I meant to buy Harry Potter legos (I want either the train or the whole castle) which is probably for the best because it would cement the fact that I'm a total dork with a spending problem.

This list doesn't count all the cash I dropped at sephora on Friday night as a quick thanks to myself for actually going to the gym. Crap. It wasn't even that much (I only bought house brand nail polish, some implements to give myself a pedicure, and a barrette which then wasn't in the bag when I got home) but it feels like a lot. I miss my housing costs being one third what they are now. Screw Equity, fools!

I saw my grandma yesterday. I adore her. We ate Chinese food and she told me stories about how she used to do home improvement projects while my grandfather was out of state and then he wouldn't notice the change for 6 months. I love my grandmother. I want to be exactly like her when I grow up, planting crazy gardens and teaching classes and travelling to visit my friends all over the world. She's so cool.

One last thing: This banner got crazy hits, and I'm totally proud of how creepy good and funny it turned out. Ha. They really are very wrong.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

template by wicked design

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