
I have my shirt on backwards. Also, shut up, fool.
9:09 a.m.

I feel madly out of the loop.

So, yesterday morning, I pad downstairs and get my paper off the porch, and there's pictures of a huge anti-war protest in Boston. 25,000 people! Lying in the streets! I knew NOTHING about this. Could I be more out of the loop? I spent most of Saturday puttering around in the yard and cleaning the house. I would have laid down in the middle of Boylston Street, man. Or at least heckled the hecklers. The paper reported that some guy climbed a lamp post and yelled at the crowd about justice for September 11th. "America forgets too easily about 3,000 people they stole from us at the World Trade Center," he said. (The guy then fell 15 feet off the post, whoops?)

Sorry, but: What? No, seriously, what? Can someone explain to me what the crap Iraq has to do with September 11th? And before someone emails me with the tired explanation that one of the 1993 World Trade Center bombers was Iraqi, I just have to say with that logic we should be bombing Washington over Oklahoma City.

I know I'm oversimplfying. I am conflicted over this whole thing and I don't know where I stand. I'm just so sick of blaming Iraq for 9/11 when they had nothing to do with it. It seems like a lot (but not all) of the pro-war sentiment is based on revenge for unrelated events.

Also, before I get the emails about how I'm not supporting the troops by not supporting the war, I feel like pre-emptatively defending myself by saying that I just finished boxing up a care package for someone who is over there, but I'm not boxing up candy and magazines and notes of support for the administration, and that's where the difference lies. Okay then.

Er. Cleansing Breaths.

It's so odd. I'm so used to keeping my mouth shut about this, and actually saying what I think feels weird. I'm surrounded by people who think the protesters should be shot, and say things like "The French are Cowards" and they're not kidding at all. And since it's my work environment, it's not worth it for me to say anything. The regular office politics, let alone the politics surrounding the war, suck here. Big time. And I did a brief litmus test and decided that arguing with people who will yell, loudly, that "they're not like us" isn't really cost-effective.


I'm totally side tracked. I can't think of anything fun or funny to say.

Lucy slept on her back with her mouth wide open last night. Then I poked her to make sure she was still alive (because I'm insane and I'm constantly checking for aliveness on the still living cats) and she started purring but didn't move. God damn I love the cats.

I just realized I have my shirt on backwards. I have a feeling that this is going to be a shitty week.

I guess I should work now.

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Balls. - 2005-08-03

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No more. - 2005-01-13

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