
Rambling Future What?
10:58 a.m.


So, I've been trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. How terribly original, no?

So, seriously, what?

I've decided to make a list of what I don't want. I don't know where to start and this seemed good enough.

1. I don't want to stress over asinine details (ie. phone list formats, call center structure, fax paper letterhead etc.).

2. I don't want to be in a environment that makes me uncomfortable (ie. bad office politics, literally uncomfortable work space (bad desk, bad air, ANTS), loud co-workers)

3. I would like to not have more priority #1 projects than I could feasibly do, ever.

And what would I like?

1. I'd like enough money to live comfortably (pay the mortgage(s), travel once a year, not freak out when bills come in each month). Luckily, my husband is the money make-ah, and I just supplement with my piddling income.

2. I'd like to do something interesting but not too hard (if I was totally honest, I'd like to do nothing. Oops?) that I feel like a drained sac of couch lyingness at the end of the day.

3. I'd like to have kids in a few years and be able to stay home with them, at least for the most part.

So what do I do?

Ah, confusion. My husband thinks I should write a book, but I don't know if I have it in me to write anything readable. Even less likely: sellable.

Bah. Indecision. Maybe I should go back to school. But what for? And how will I pay for it with Captain Insano mortgage riding us? Gah.

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