
Except not the Grind starring Eric from the Real World New York.
8:47 p.m.

Rooty-tooty Fresh and Fruity

Guess what it did in LA for 90% of the time I was there? Rained. Torrentially. Ha? This did not prevent me from consuming mass quantities of In-N-Out, Jamba Juice, and Krispy Kreme. Thank God. Mission Accomplished.

Scrapped plans included: Renting Bikes, Hiking in Malibu, and climbing the Santa Monica stairs repeatedly. So, basically, I got in all of the calorie consumption and none of the hardcore exercise. Nice! I did do miles and miles of walking, including in the pouring rain, which was fun. All of my fun money was spent on umbrellas and sweatshirts and laxatives. Except for the laxatives.

I dragged my husband into Fred Segal. He was not amused. I wanted to buy many shiny objects, but due to aforementioned laxative spending, I was forced to simply observe other people purchasing. I didn't stay half as long as I wanted to, bah. Damnable husbands and their anti-big spending and shiny object attitudes!

In other news that makes me feel better, word on the street (okay, word out of his mouth) is that I can go out there approx. 5 more times without it really effecting our frequent flyer miles. Dude. RULES! I hate that he travels so much, but I love, love, love the miles. Free Travel!

Random celebrity sightings

Due to a friend in common, I met a guy who was on Buffy. I don't watch Buffy, though, so it was more exciting that I was meeting my friend's oft-talked about friend than it was that I was meeting a celebrity. I have a feeling there were more celebrities about at said party (I am such a dork), but I honestly have no talent for recognizing anyone, ever. I was hoping to meet Joe Millionaire (who said friend met weekend before last) and to call him something like Evan Doubletree or Evan Super8. Because I'm totally unfunny and schlock-like.

Back to the Grind

Except not the Grind starring Eric from the Real World New York. The Grind starring me. If by starring I mean featuring and by featuring I mean absolutely nothing glamorous at all in any way, shape, or form. What?

I have been so busy at work that I actually started doing my actual work at 5 p.m. today because it was the absolute first chance that I'd had to do it. I've been so busy with random crap (clearance for video crews to park! booking a room that resembles the ICU so we can film the ICU scenes without going in the actual ICU! Faxing! Conference Calls!) that I can't get to the actual job that I'm supposed to be doing on top of this random project. I wish I could put my actual job on hold while I finished this up, but I can't. I have so many priority 1 things that I could cry. But, well, whatever. It could be worse, for real.

I have to take a car service to work because I have to be there BEFORE THE T EVEN STARTS. Ha? Hahahaha? Holy crap.

Everybody's Working for the Weekend

I am so looking forward to Friday. Even if I work on Saturday, at least this damnable video shoot will be mostly over. I still have a half day of shooting to coordinate, but it's at my house and there's no weird issues surrounding patient confidentiality and doctor schedules and where and what and how.

Holy babble. I am going to go consume beer in the shower now.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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