
Freaking ants.
11:46 a.m.


So, this morning I get up and go to work, la la la, I'm a little late but I'm always late and I work late so la la whatever la. Anyway, I get to work and my message light is blinking away, which is never a great sign. So, I calmly and non-panickingly go to check it, and as I reach for it I notice that my desk is swarming. With ants. ANTS.

Um, gross?

There's been an ant problem in my office for a while now, and they're not allowed to exterminate in here because it's a hospital. So, of the choices bewteen chemicals and ants, they choose ants. Okay then. I would choose chemicals, but what do I know?

When we first noticed la ant colony, we called. I think I screamed when one was on my hand, and the screaming got them down here faster. Which was nice. The "exterminator" showed up with a tool box containing alcohol wipes, sticky tape stuff, and a jar of peanut butter. Okay? So he spread the tape and swabbed the walls with alcohol and called it a day. Sweet. Except there were still ants everywhere.

I called facilities more than two hours ago and they're still not here. I killed most of the ants with my bare deadly hands which was really gross. But I have a ton of work to do and I needed my desk back. Screw you, ants!

The end.

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- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

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No more. - 2005-01-13

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