
Sad with a touch of asinine
10:17 a.m.

Holy Hell?

So, as much as I theoretically don't want to stick my head in the sand, I kind of want to stick my head in the sand.

I've taken to turning on the Today Show as I get ready for work. I used to watch Saved By The Bell (2 episodes in a row, 7 and 7:30AM!) and my husband used to watch SportsCenter, but now we kind of sort of watch the news (or, sometimes, the "news") instead. When it's boring, we channel surf a bit, sometimes to Zach and Kelly because old habits are hard to break, and Jessie is occasionally "so excited, so excited, so.. so.. SCARED!" and we can't switch away from that.

So, for what seems like workday morning #5 in a row (even though it wasn't), I left for work feeling completely sick over what I saw on the news. This morning, it was the Rhode Island nightclub fire. I grew up not-so-far from where this happened, and (embarassingly) ran with tha metal crowd for a good portion of my junior high years. I'm still friends with a lot of those people and I could see them whooping it up at a Great White concert, even now. And I know that some of them have gone to this club in the past. I feel like a big dorkassed fool for worrying about them when the chances of them being there are slim to none, so I'm not calling the hotline or even calling them. I'll probably call them this weekend to casually check in, half because I don't want to seem like a paranoid freak and half because I don't want them to think that I really thought they'd drive 45 minutes to see Great White.

Anyway. Sad.

On to the asinine.

Want to see my new hair?

Okay then.

Want to see my new cat?

Okay then.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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