
Hi! Please note that I am an inarticulate spaz.
11:25 a.m.

Okay. So technically? I should be working. Since I'm at work. Or, "work." But I kicked ass and took names yesterday and then dreamed about work all night (when I wasn't dashing outside in my pajamas to put the garbage at the curb as the trucks pulled up because I can't understand the pickup schedule to save my life and the missed garbage from last week was threatening to stink) and it's snowing, so work gets a big old justifiable (to me, at least) whatever.

But now I feel guilty, so more later.

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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