
Ha. Seriously: HA. With photographic evidence.
4:48 p.m.

Man oh man oh man oh man.

I got a digital camera. What I really should have gotten was a scanner, for what I'm about to unveil, but mostly I got the camera to bring on vacation and this is just a side benefit. Also, dragging a scanner around everywhere and then realizing it doesn't take photos would suck.

So! I took a ton of photos of already existing photos! Let's get the extremely hilarious out of the way first.

Blossom? Why, yes.

Six? Yes also.

Awkward phase? Uh huh.

First apartment drunken antics? Yessss.

Halloween as an excuse to dress trampy? At least my husband is keeping it funny. (I think my excuse at the time was "Undercover Sting Prostitute Cop.")

Does anyone have any giant bows, upturned collars, or maybe some plastic jewlery? Oh, wait, I do.

Did my stepbrother dress up as a dancer from the Rumpshaker video for his 8th grade dance? Did I ruin the difficult to cajole out of him photo by thrusting myself over the railing at the exact photo taking moment? I think you'll find this is all true.

This has been a completely hilarious day.

Expect a sharp increase in cat photos!

The Power of Coffee Compels Me - 2005-11-15

- - 2005-10-29

Balls. - 2005-08-03

Random and Chewy - 2005-01-17

No more. - 2005-01-13

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